Data Analysis

Realtime data analysis at the click of a button!


Binary variables are automatically analyzed and rendered on pie-charts to show the distribution. E.g. Gender: Male vs Female

Pie chart data analysis on Hoji


Categorical variables are automatically analyzed and rendered on bar-charts to show the distribution. E.g. Continent of origin

Bar chart data analysis on Hoji

Frequency tables

Categories that cannot reasonably fit in a bar-chart are rendered on a frequency table to show the distribution. E.g. Interviews per enumerator

Frequency table data analysis on Hoji


Numeric variables are rendered on histograms. Summary statistics for central tendency, dispersion and shape are also included. E.g. Age

Histogram data analysis on Hoji


Free text is rendered on word-trees to show the most common words and the relationships between them. E.g. Comments

Word tree data analysis on Hoji

Pivot table

The in-built pivot table enables you to easily prepare data summaries, cross-tabulations and custom charts.

Pivot table data analysis on Hoji

Trend analysis

Use line charts to analyze trends over time. You can even disaggregate the output by a variable of your choice.

Line chart data analysis on Hoji


Visualize your data-points on a map from right within Hoji. You don’t have to guess where your enumerators are collecting data from.

Map visualization on Hoji